• Team Tenacious youth basketball. Encouraging family; a young man helps another young man up off the floor while two youths play basketball in the background
  • Team Tenacious Youth Basketball. Promoting excellence, a young athlete runs a skill drill
  • Team Tenacious Youth Basketball. Young man handles basketball while an older man coaches in the background
  • Team Tenacious Basketball Fostering Accountability. Youths gather in a  huddle


Team Tenacious Youth organization strives to give young athletes the opportunity to learn, compete, and excel in the game of basketball. All while setting a standard of excellence in academics, and life as well. We focus on building relationships and a family atmosphere, no matter what the skill level is. We are big advocates of no child left behind, and everyone has their time for success. We are an organization that understands and accepts the duty of teaching our youth. We strive to focus on three principles, play hard, play smart, and play together. With each of our players giving maximum effort, thinking intelligently, and performing as one efficient group. There is no doubt we will accomplish all these goals set forth, for our organization. At Team Tenacious you are not just a young athlete on a team, you are part of a β€œFAMILY”.




Thanks to our valued sponsors: